Top 10 best future jobs

Here are Kiplinger’s 10 best jobs for the future.

1. Nurse Practitioner
If you’re thinking about a field with some job security, the medical field is a safe bet. For nurse practitioners, job growth increased 30.3% between 2005 and 2015, and is expected to increase 25.7% over the next ten years. Additionally, nurse practitioners make annual median salary of about $97,396 per year. You would need a master’s degree for this profession, however.

2. Medical Sonographer
A medical sonographer is a great job because, not only is this field expected to grow at 33.6%, but you could start in this field with an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree. People in this field can expect to make about $68,886 per year.

3. Health Services Managers
If you are good at organizing, multi-tasking under pressure and you have excellent people skills, this might be a great job for you. Health services managers oversee certain medical departments or entire facilities, such as nursing homes. People in this field can expect to bring home about $93,338 with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in health administration, and job growth is projected to be about 17.5%.

4. Physical Therapy
The now second-largest generation is getting older, and Baby Boomers will need more rehabilitative services such as physical therapy to help them overcome strokes and injuries. In this field, you could expect to earn about $82,275, but you would need to obtain a doctoral degree. Past job growth has been 31.4%, while future job growth is expected to be 25.9%. Along these lines, occupational therapists help people regain their ability to operate independently, or they may help people perform daily tasks they are not able to perform on their own. Occupational therapists could expect to make an average of $78,806 a year but only need a master’s degree versus a doctoral degree.

5. Dental Hygienist
Job growth for dental hygienists was 21.1% over the last ten years, and is projected to be 21.8% over the next. In this career, you could expect to earn $74,169, and you only need an associate’s degree in dental hygiene to start. That’s a pretty good ROI!